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    摘要 : Background: Flortaucipir (tau) positron emission tomography (PET) binding distinguishes individuals with clinically well-established posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) due to Alzheimer disease (AD) from cognitively normal (CN) contr... 展开

    摘要 : Background: Progressive reading impairment is an early and debilitating symptom of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) arising from the progressive deterioration of visual processing skills.

    摘要 : Abstract Background Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is one of the atypical Alzheimer's disease variants, characterized by predominant visuospatial and visuoperceptual deficits, with established dorsal and ventral subtypes. A thir... 展开

    摘要 : Background: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurocognitive disorder characterized by difficulty localizing in space. Recognizing PCA is important because it is usually missed early in its course and may result from a number ... 展开

    摘要 : Posterior cortical atrophy is a rare neurodegenerative disease that presents with progressive higher-order visual impairment. We describe a case of posterior cortical atrophy in a 62-year-old, right-handed man, who initially prese... 展开

    摘要 : Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is the commonest type of dementia presenting with initial episodic memory decline followed by involvement of other cognitive domains. Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is one of the variants of Alzheimer's... 展开

    摘要 : Alzheimer's disease (AD) is now conceptualized as a biological entity defined by amyloid and tau deposition and neurodegeneration, with heterogeneous clinical presentations. With the aid of in vivo biomarkers, clinicians are bette... 展开

    摘要 : Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by impaired higher visual processing skills; however, motor features more commonly associated with corticobasal syndrome may also occur. We investigate... 展开

    摘要 : Objective: A case of Posterior Cortical Atrophy syndrome of a suspected non-Alzheimer disease pathology type is presented to illustrate prospective diagnosis and course. Method: A 54-year-old woman with vague memory complaints und... 展开
